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ALC 2014 Call for Session Proposals is now out!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Alberta Library Conference (ALC) 2014 Planning Committee with support from the Library Association of Alberta (LAA) and the Alberta Library Trustees Association (ALTA) is pleased to announce that the call for proposals for the 2014 Alberta Library Conference is open. The conference takes place in Jasper, Alberta April 24 to 27, 2014

The theme for ALC 2014 is “Be the Change.”

We all want to be awesome at work and at home. We can change our mindset and in doing so be happier in all that we do - in the workplace and outside it. How can you be the change in your individual environments? How do we influence others and become an even more productive and effective organization?

The Committee aims to provide a range of sessions that are of interest to the library community in Alberta. Proposals from small rural libraries to large academic institutions demonstrate the complexity of libraries as well as the adaptability and diversity of those who work within them. We encourage proposals from academic, public, school and special libraries of all sizes for consideration to present at the conference. And if you are from a small library we are very interested in hearing from you. We heard in the 2013 conference evaluations that people are interested in more sessions for small libraries, and the way that will happen is for staff and trustees from small libraries to submit session proposals!

The deadline for session proposals is September 30th, 2014.

We are interested in receiving proposals from trustees for sessions which will provide education and training for Library Board members. We would very much appreciate it if librarians would share this call for sessions with their Boards. Please also share this call with colleagues in your organizations. In addition, if trustees have suggestions for speakers or topics of interest to trustees, they are invited to email Diane Osberg so that she can see if a session can be developed.

Proposals for pre-conference full or half day sessions are also welcome.

If you would like to be part of our program celebrating resilience, adaptability and willingness to make our workplace a better, more productive environment then submit a proposal here.

Submission deadline is September 30th, 2014.

ALC 2014 Chair: Diane Clark
email: [email protected]

Program Co-Chairs:
Diane Clark for LAA
email: [email protected]
Diane Osberg for ALTA
email: [email protected]

no results.

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