Friday, April 26
6:45 a.m.-7:45 a.m. Morning Yoga (pre-registration required, $15 per person)
6:45 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Breakfast (Moose's Nook open until 10 a.m.)
8:00 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Registration Desk open
A1 8:45 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Keynote speaker - Lev Grossman
10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Exhibits open
10:00 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Coffee break and time to visit the Exhibits
10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Registration Desk open
10:45 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Conference Sessions
B1. Library Trustees Forum
Welcome Trustees! Review the support that your Alberta Library Trustees Association offers to local boards through the Trustee Voice E-Newsletter, educational information sessions, website and TERP sessions. Bring your ideas for improvement. Let us help you with your local front line concerns and challenges. This is your opportunity to meet your Area ALTA representatives, discuss concerns from your region or library board and provide the ALTA Board with key issues to address in 2013.
B2. The Alberta Library: We're Connected - Clive Maishment
Our Mission is Strengthening Communities through Collaboration. The Alberta Library (TAL) is a prime example of what can be accomplished if we all work together towards a common goal. TAL has recently undergone a number of exciting and significant changes. Find out more about TAL topics including future directions for the organization, the Alberta Public Library Electronic Network (APLEN) and the Provincial Technology Plan, and the Online Reference Centre (ORC) and its new resources.
B3. Reaffirming Strength through Stories - Gail De Vos
This session explores the power of both family stories and community stories, tales that help define and strengthen families and communities. Gail explores the role and types of these stories as well as how to develop and tell effective these stories in a variety of ways: print, displays, and, of course, orally.
B4. Present and Future of Public Libraries in Multi-Use Community Centers: Three Case Studies - Courtney Novotny, Tatiana Poliakevitch, Myra Binnendyk
This session will discuss how public libraries located within community multi-use facilities can successfully work together with the other partner organizations within their complex using three case studies of small, mid-sized and large public libraries. Examples of how these libraries connect and stay in touch with their communities through library services, collections and programs in such centers will be given. The future of public library branches in this unique setting that becomes more and more popular for new public library branches in the province and country will be discussed.
B5. Something Completely Different - Library Programming Out of the Box - Paige McGeorge, Rachael Collins and Corene Maret
Lethbridge Public librarians will share program planning for Dungeons & Dragons, Pub Quiz Nights, off-site bookclubs, and Senior’s Storytime that will take your library out of the box and into the community. Get practical advice on how to adopt and optimize these programs for your library
B6. Connecting Communities, Collaboratively: Enhancing Services for Newcomers to Canada - Heather Robertson
An overview of the successes that the Calgary Public Library has enjoyed in developing and nurturing community partnerships to better serve the growing number of newcomers to Canada in Calgary. Particular reference will be made to the Library’s collaborative relationship with the city’s five core immigrant serving agencies and the Library's contributions to the Calgary Local Immigration Partnership (CLIP), a city-wide alliance of organizations and key stakeholders.
B7. Facing The Future - Ken Roberts
Ken Roberts was commissioned by the Province of British Columbia to produce a think piece on the future of public libraries. The report, released in the Fall of 2012 includes trends that will affect libraries as well as glimpses of what services public libraries might provide by 2017, 2022 and 2030. Ken will highlight the predictions and recommendations that he made.
B8. One Desk To Serve Them All: Implementing a Library Single Service Desk - Heather Berringer, Virginia Clevette, Charlene Jones
More and more frequently in the face of shrinking budgets, changing spaces, and user needs, libraries in all sectors are considering the creation of a single service desk, shifting to a model that allows one-stop shopping. We will introduce three diverse real-life “one-desk” implementations – one university, one college, and one public library example – from the perspective of those who coordinated the change, and examine some of the common themes that emerged as both functions and staff were brought together in new and different ways.
B9. The Library Effect - A Regional Advocacy Project - Susan Grieshaber-Otto and Colleen Schalm
Personal stories are among the most powerful tools we have to get our message out. A story bank uses personal stories to tell a story and illustrate a point. Find out how Parkland Regional Library staff created a story bank, gathered the best library stories from the region, and combined them with Snapshot Day data to create advocacy tools for 50 member libraries that demonstrate how libraries can transform lives.
B10. Building Foreign Language Collections for the Communities We Serve - Lindsay Johnston, Denis Lacroix, Mary Bennett
The creation and management of foreign language collections present unique challenges for librarians who serve the information needs of a linguistically and culturally diverse population. Our panel of public and academic librarians will present our various approaches to working with foreign language vendors and connecting with our communities. The session will conclude with an opportunity for participants to discuss the challenges they face, share their own approaches, learn from each other, and establish lasting links with colleagues who face the similar challenges in their workplaces.
11:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Conference Sessions
C1. Delivering Public Library Services to the University Community - The MacEwan-EPL Experience - Debbie McGugan, Gordon Bertrand, Pilar Martinez
Edmonton Public Library and MacEwan University Library have collaborated to provide EPL memberships for MacEwan students and employees and to install a new state of the art EPL lending machine "branch" at MacEwan's downtown campus.
C2. Just Tween-ing Around - Michelle Camelford and Andrea Meerstad
Teen programs have not only sprouted, but blossomed across the country over the past few years. Medicine Hat Public Library Tween Organizers will share their experiences from their TIC-TAC tween group program. Participants will learn of the successes and lessons learnt thus far, tips to help them start their own tween library program as well as a few low cost, fun program ideas.
C3. We All Stand to Win: A New E-book Distribution Model to Balance Library Consortia Needs with Business Models of the Publishing Industry - Lou Duggan and David Swords
Presentation and discussion of the Novanet pilot project 2012-13 that tested a novel approach to demand-driven E-books in a consortium setting. Developed with Ebook Library (EBL), the Novanet model attempts to balance the needs of libraries, aggregators and publishers.
C4. Building Communities Building Libraries - Rosemary Griebel and Julia Brewster
The Calgary Public Library and the City of Calgary have embarked on an ambitious public engagement program to inform the development of future libraries. What did we learn from the community regarding library priorities? What has made the public engagement successful? What would we do different, if we could?
C5. Effective Conversations for Action - Renée Réaume
Create the results you want through the conversations you have. Learn how to have effective conversations and help reduce frustration, confusion, and disappointment.
C6. Growing Successful Children's Services in Community Public Libraries - Tamara Alberg and Rachelle Kuzyk
Learn from our experience how to bring vitality back to your Children's Services. Build clear job descriptions and expectations of your programming staff, give them the tools for success, and let them impress you (and your community). Revitalize your Children's Service from the ground up!
C7. Developing Leaders in your Organization: AKA: Building Leaders without Breaking Budgets - Ernie Ingles and Mary-Jo Romaniuk
Billions of dollars are spent annually across North America on leadership development. Meanwhile, everyone talks about the “leadership crisis”, including in libraries. We don’t have billions, millions or sometimes even thousands to address the problem! Based on current research and practice, and focusing on what matters most, this session provides practical advice for building and implementing affordable leadership development programs and supporting leadership development in your own organization. Of course all of this is easier with some ongoing assistance, and the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alberta is there to provide support for those that need. “. . . a little help from their friends ...”(With acknowledgment to The Beatles).
C8. Intellectual Freedom, Academic Freedom and Workplace Speech: Don't be Confused - Toni Samek
Are we drawing fully on our education and experience at our library workplace regarding non-confidential professional and policy matters of public concern? As library and information workers, we spend a lot of time advocating and protecting intellectual freedom for the public. Leave this session better understanding how intellectual freedom, workplace speech, and academic freedom are important to us as library workers within our own institutional cultures, knowing when we are self-censoring, and better equipped to contribute confidently to shared governance in the context of staff meetings, board meetings, collective policy development, and other decision making activities at work. (The Lorne MacRae Intellectual Freedom Lecture is supported by funding from the Calgary Foundation.)
C9. Evaluation and Reality: What the Customer Really Wants - Allison Thomson
This presentation will explore the importance of evaluation and evidence based decision making in public libraries and how this can be done in a relatively short timeframe with limited resources. The presenter will share several low cost and simple evaluation tools that have had a major impact on information service delivery at the Calgary Public Library. She will focus on the surprises encountered while collecting data at the reference desk and how this data transformed the way customer service is delivered within CPL’s Business, Science and Social Science Department.
C10. Working Together to Promote Accessible Library Service - Faline Bobier and Donna Christensen
For over six years, Didsbury Public Library has participated in the CNIB Library Partners Program to better meet the needs of library users with print disabilities. In this session, Donna and Faline will share information, successful strategies, and stories from this thriving partnership.
2:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Coffee break
4:00 p.m. Exhibits close
3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. ALTA & LAA Annual General Meetings
6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Dinner
D1 8:00 p.m. Author Talk: Lev Grossman
9:00 p.m. Learn a Little Something! Choose from classes on Mixology, Cooking, or Drawing.
See the Social Events page for details. (These are ticketed events. Registration and additional payment are required.)
CLASS1. Mixology ($30)
CLASS2. Adult Cooking ($38)
CLASS3. Kitchen Magicians ($50)
CLASS4. Introduction to Drawing ($20)
Printable Friday Program
Click here for a PDF version of the Friday schedule.